old fashioned at the New Modern Wing

May 31, 2015

sea shell marlin close up

mums aqua

Upclose shell blush

marlin pix

We recently had the pleasure of decorating tables for an under the sea themed event at the New Modern Wing of the Art Institute. These fragrant, golden throated Cattleya orchids were grown just 20 miles away at Hausermann’s orchids in Villa Park!  Established in 1920 with 3.5 acres of orchids growing under glass,  Hausermann’s is a thrilling step back in time to an era when florists got all of their flowers from hot houses and local farms. Speaking of old-fashioned exotics, I especially adore these Anastasia chrysanthemums which look like sisters of the sea anemone…

aqua mums on step

close up marlin#2

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