Cliff Dwellers
This year we had the pleasure of donating our planning, invitation design and decorating talents to DVLC’s annual fundraiser, with sold out results! We scouted the Cliff Dwellers club for the evening, which was recently renovated by SOM. The club was one of the last places where Louis Sullivan found refuge among friends and colleagues towards the end of his life. It was where he wrote his Autobiography of an Idea; in fact, the Club still has on display the desk at which he wrote his memoir.
Having coined the phrase, “Form follows function”, he is considered the father of modernism and the modern skyscraper- and yet he often decorated his buildings with astoundingly intricate, organic ornamentation. It was cold, mysterious weather, with great shrouds of fog rolling in over the lake as we decorated the terrace with a view spectacular enough to host a mad super villan cackling over Chicago…
Our glamorous intern Hazel poses while setting out mossy lanterns on the terrace…