‘Mitzvahs are totally the most fun parties, both to design and to attend. I’m not afraid to say my social life peaked in 7th grade- those we THE BEST PARTIES EVER! It’s such an honor and a stellar mission to impress pre-teens today- and what with the helium cliff and all we almost had to …

Carnations made a such a big comeback in the early 2000s New York flower scene that Vogue ran almost monthly editorials heralding the news, with gorgeous bowls of them priced at $300 and stars in the field bitterly feuding over who was responsible for their redux Now the show stopping chrysanthemum is officially back. ( Joy! …
Bringing honey to the Green City market with our dear friends from the Chicago Honey Co-op last weekend, my hustle went something like this: “Have you tried the summer honey from the Chicago Honey Co-op? We are the most local vendor at the green city market, with hives in Humboldt Park, Back of the Yards and …
I’ve been using hyacinth in every arrangement these days, so sad to see it go out of season. It’s such a beautiful word, hyacinth, I wish I had the guts to name a child or a cat after it. I still love monochromatic arrangements because you get to dig so deep into one color… this …
Our flowers have been reveling in this cool, mysterious spring. Festiva Maxima peonies, Maiden Hair fern, Hosta (night pruned) and hyacinth were all in happy attendance for this weekend’s dreamy, back yard wedding.